Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Its me ( :

I will start this profile like all the other typical profiles with my name; it is Rayyan Adel Alkaff Alhashemi. I come from a family of five brothers and two sisters. I am the eldest of the boys. I don’t remember going through a teenager phase in my life but do remember a bigger role of responsibilities where I was kind of on the spot. Chemistry, Math, and Engineering was not in my long-term plans but recently was added in the short term once. Therefore recently I am in my common year in Engineering.
I have many passions in my life and a lot of hobbies. Cruising with the boat, fishing, and swimming are things I have regularly done in my life. Reading, writing, and listening are things I developed in the past three years.

I believe that life contains the good and the bad, the beautiful and ugliness and every soul in it chooses his path.

I believe that Islam gave me everything.

I believe that true love is a miracle in this period of the world’s age.

This blog was created as a project to the English course, level two.


CompuGuru said...

Whatever man, you could at least make this blog more realistic. Oh and 1 more thing, Duh!

Rayyan A. S. Al kaff said...

thank u gazeh 4 your advise .hope to see u soon.

Khalifa Alhammadi said...

Nice picture RAyyan>>>you look like good>>>Please we need more !!

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